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5 Ways to Keep the Family Happy this Summer

5 Ways to Keep the Family Happy this Summer

With the summer holidays fast approaching, many parents are starting to worry about how they are going to survive those 6 long weeks with their children off school. The thought of trying to find enough activities to keep your children entertained everyday of the week can fill many parents with dread and anxiety. But it does not have to be as difficult as you might think.

But by having a plan in place and some tricks up your sleeve, instead of spending the summer holidays shouting at your kids for misbehaving, you can spend quality time with them making memories that will last forever. With that in mind, here are our top 5 ways to keep the family happy this summer.

1. Make a weekly plan

While you may have a few ideas of the sort of things you can do with your kids to keep them happy during the holidays, you need to have enough to fill the whole 6 weeks. Many parents make the fatal mistake of planning an exciting first week off, only to then run out of ideas.

Therefore, we recommend that you take the time to make a weekly plan in advance of the holidays starting. You could even make it an activity that your kids can get involved in. Start by printing off some blank calendars and start to schedule the plans you have. Remember that not every single thing you do during the holidays has to cost money, and you can simply add activities like ‘picnic in the park’ to your schedule. Don’t forget to add other commitments to your calendar plan such as work and/or deadlines – your kids need to know that you still have things to do even though they are off school. 

2. Plan a summer staycation

With the kids off school it is the perfect opportunity to get away from the busyness of everyday life and enjoy a summer holiday. While you may prefer a holiday abroad, with travel restrictions still in place, many people are opting for a staycation in the UK this year instead. However, this does not mean that you still can’t have just as much fun. There are so many great places that you can visit all over the country that are enjoyable for all the family.

You can also make a staycation this summer the perfect opportunity for you and your kids to learn a new skill. At Chill Factore in Manchester this summer you can learn how to ski and snowboard as a family and have endless hours of fun. Chill Factore is the perfect place to visit while on your summer staycation this year. They also have a range of offers and deals for all the family so that you can all try something new without it breaking the bank.

5 Ways to Keep the Family Happy this Summer

3. Set some goals

While of course you want your children to have fun during the summer holidays, that doesn’t mean that they still can’t be productive. Therefore, we recommend that you set some goals for the whole family to achieve during the 6 week period. It can be something as simple as getting any school work/tasks completed within the first week of the holidays, or to have read a certain number of books before they head back to school.

4. Have a clean out

If you start to struggle for things to do then you could even undertake tasks together such as tidying out their bedroom with them and giving it a good clean. This will enable you to be productive and get jobs done during the summer holidays, while also teaching your children that they need to help towards the house if they want to be rewarded and enjoy treats.

5 Ways to Keep the Family Happy this Summer

5. Schedule some down time

One of our biggest tips to help keep your family happy this summer is to not go overboard when it comes to scheduling things to do. Tired children can start to play up and misbehave, so don’t be afraid to plan a few lazy days where you can simply spend time together as a family at home. Remember that kids need downtime just as much as we do!

Wrapping Up

No matter how you are feeling about the upcoming summer holidays, by following our top tips you can keep both your kids and yourself happy in equal measure.

Featured Image: Family photo created by freepik –

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    December 2, 2021 at 7:26 am

    These are some great tips. Love the idea of planning a schedule.

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