Health & Wellness Mindful Living

Global Pandemic or Not?

Global Pandemic or Not?

“For once on the face of the Earth
let’s not speak any language
let’s stop for one second
and not move our arms so much.”

This is a verse from ‘Keeping Quiet’ written by Pablo Neruda. While reading this beautiful poem, I never thought that we will ever have to take a pause in our lives. Contrary to what I thought, the world has come to a halt, nature is self-healing, and for once, the human race isn’t running behind wealth but their lives.

It is after a century that we are facing a global pandemic which has resulted in lockdown in the most part of the world. 

The effect of Coronavirus started to prevail in China, then Italy and in the blink of an eye, we were in the middle of a global crisis now known as a global pandemic. We still are!

Each country has its own way of dealing with a crisis, however, one thing which remained constant is social distancing. 

While every country implemented the lockdown post it was too late to control the damage, India implemented the lockdown where there were around 500 cases in the country and started screening of international traveler since the first case was reported in India. 

*Kudos to the Indian government for executing such preventive measures*

It is because of the efficient and effective decision of the government which made sure that our country is following the principle “Prevention is better than cure”. 

The lockdown was implemented and followed in the entire country, in no time. Not only the lockdown was implemented successfully, but also Indians applauded for all those who were working round the clock despite the global pandemic. On March 22, 2020, everyone in India came out of their homes at 5 pm for 5 minutes to express gratitude to all those who are helping us by clapping. This mere task of applauding for 5 minutes turned into havoc in no time. 

How is the Populous reacting to Lockdown?

There were people misunderstood what our PM meant by ‘Janata Curfew’; while everyone was praising the unity in our nation, after all. 

Despite the endless efforts of our PM to make everyone understand the intensity of the pandemic; citizens of India came out on roads and danced to the loud music to express ‘gratitude’ to our helpers. There were endless processions on that day and there was no sign of social distancing whatsoever. 

On March 24, 2020, PM announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown, only essential services remained functional. Which also, a few people refused to obey, even though it was for their own benefit. 

Despite repeated instructions from the State and Central government, around 1000 people were residing in Nizamuddin Markaz defying all the orders of the government as of March 25, 2020.

Tablighi Jamaat had been going on for a while in the masjid then. 3400 people were gathered as a part of the religious event, since 13th March 2020. They defied the orders of their CM Mr. Kejrival and continued to stay put. The gathering involved international travelers. This scenario acted as a catalyst and the virus started to spread amongst those who were residing in the mosque.

When Nizamuddin Markaz was finally evacuated; people attending the religious event scattered in the whole country. Thus, those who were infected with the virus ended up infecting others as well!

More to It

Then soon enough came the next task from our PM Modi. That was to light candles/diyas outside our houses or in the balconies to demonstrate collective resolve and solidarity amongst the citizens of India during the global pandemic. The instructions were simple – Switch off all the lights at 9 pm for 9 minutes to show their support to the country. 

I am bummed to know that people can be so extreme at times that we don’t even realize. People burst firecrackers at 9 pm for more than 9 minutes. 

There was a group who took out a procession yet again with light torches to demonstrate. They are following whatever our PM is saying or doing more than that out of patriotism, I guess. 

We can only assume the agendas behind such actions. Because even the people who are doing it, they aren’t even sure of the reason, how can we be?

But that’s not it. 

One of the political leaders called a gathering of 100 people to celebrate his birthday. Though, he is arrested soon enough but who is going to bear the consequence of his birthday party. Us, right?

The other day, I caught a glimpse of the news where people were reading namaaz in the mosque. No, I ain’t against any religious activity; but isn’t it time for us to understand the importance of social distancing, now? Why can’t we do anything on our own? Even if we do need people for a particular religious activity, why not take precautions simply! Not for anyone else but for ourselves. 

Not to mention the small gatherings in every society to play or just to gossip. I can’t say about the metro cities but small towns and cities are surely practicing this. 

I understand that social distancing is really hard for everyone, be it a student or someone who takes care of home every day. We are social beings and of course, we need to interact with our friends and relatives. Why not interact with them through social media? Is it really necessary for us to meet and greet?

And despite all the global pandemic and trouble that’s going on in the world, we Indians have managed to make this global emergency about communities. Somehow, we managed to do this and we did it amazingly! There are reporters who present COVID-19 as a battle between Hindus vs. Muslims and India vs. Pakistan.

Is it really the time to fight about which community or country is better?

Is it an absolute necessity to put blames on each other?

Do we really have to make claims about each other, at this point of time?

Isn’t this battle all about Chinese whisper, after all?

Is it really the right time to believe something based on our prejudices?

Think about all these statements above. And in the end, just ask yourself this one simple question – Do we really need to do this?

Wrapping Up

I believe this is the time when we should stand together as one nation and prove it to the rest of the world that unity lies in diversity, indeed. This is the time when we help each other and ensure that the simplest rule of all is followed – Stay Put. 

Spend quality time with your family, talk to them. Because, at the end of the day, we all are going to miss the days when our parents had all the time in the world but we were too busy sneaking out.

Global Pandemic or Not?
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Stay Home. Stay Happy. Help the Needy.

Featured Image by rottonara from Pixabay

Thank you Varnika Bajaj for writing such an insightful post. Varnika is a psychology Student and writes for GetSetHappy

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  • Reply
    April 15, 2020 at 4:32 pm

    Great article I think in most countries some are not taking it as serious as they should. Thanks for writing

  • Reply
    Lisa Marie Alioto
    April 17, 2020 at 5:49 pm

    Great article – it’s very interesting to see how the countries are responding to this pandemic! All very different with difffering results. I love a leader that leads by example.

  • Reply
    Lisa Marie Alioto
    April 17, 2020 at 5:50 pm

    I love how the countries are responding to the pandemic. It’s interesting to watch the differences and see the differing results. I love leaders that lead by example.

  • Reply
    Sharon Green
    April 17, 2020 at 5:52 pm

    This is a very interesting article. Through all of this crisis, at different times I feel uncertain of how I feel or what I believe about all of it and this article puts perspective on it for me.

  • Reply
    April 17, 2020 at 6:18 pm

    I have truly been shocked at the fact that intelligent adults have been most at fault for not adhering to safety protocols and the level of whining and complaints they engage in. I’m prayerful we can all band together to do what it best, so life can return to some semblance of normalcy soon.

  • Reply
    Denise Gardiner
    April 17, 2020 at 6:42 pm

    Great post! Yes, these are hard times for everyone, but as you said, we shouldn’t sit and point the finger at other people or countries. We are in this together and should be here to give moral support and encouragement to everyone. We will get through this and be better for it. Things, good or bad happen for a reason. and it is how we deal with adversity that shows our true character. Thank you for sharing!

  • Reply
    April 17, 2020 at 7:29 pm

    Wow, great thoughts! This was really interesting. It’s amazing to see both sides–people who are going out of their way to help others and people who are blatantly being horrible.

  • Reply
    Sharon Green
    April 19, 2020 at 6:28 pm

    Great article! I absolutely agree!! May we all stay safe and healthy as we work together to get through this time of crisis!

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