Being physically active has become critical for those living a sedentary lifestyle. Including active walking, walking, playing a sport, or doing Yoga, not only keeps you healthy, produces happy hormones, making you a happy person. As you are reading…
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Hatha Yoga
Yoga is known to be of various types – Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Power Yoga, Hot Yoga, Beer Yoga, Aquatic Yoga, Beach Yoga and list goes on as the number of practitioners. The benefits of each type…
Yoga is beyond the physical exercise. It is meditative and spiritual core of life. Hatha Yoga is a technique consisting of asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samādhi. HEART OPENING MEDITATIVE RETREAT JOIN YOGA GRAND MASTER GURU B.M.SINGH AT…