Mindful Living The Happy Zone

4 Things You Can Do To Support Charities Instead Of Donations

4 Thing You Can Do To Support Charities Instead Of Donations

Donating to charities is a fantastic thing to do. You are helping provide someone less fortunate with a better life, which gives you a feeling of accomplishment knowing that you have made a real difference in another person’s life. Donating the spare change in your pocket is the most common thing people think of when contributing to charity, but there are other ways to provide that can actually prove more useful, and here is the list of 4 Things You Can Do To Support Charities Instead Of Donations.

Wholesale Blankets And Clothing

The first and most immediate difference you can make is in your local area. Homelessness is a heartbreaking problem across the world. Things like blankets and socks can be put straight to use in your community, you might even see them in action, and buying wholesale, which you can find in Bags In Bulk, means you can make your charity budget reach more lives. Simple clothing and comfortable items that we take for granted can make all the difference to someone living in poverty.

Give Blood And Become An Organ Donor

A regular and vital method of helping others is by giving blood whenever you can. Everyone can donate blood three or four times a month – provided they don’t have any conditions that prevent them from doing so. Make an appointment with your doctor and take less than twenty minutes out of your day to contribute to your health and wellness service without spending a penny. You can also register to become an organ donor so that your organs can be used to give someone else a life after you die.

Volunteer Your Time

Another way you can donate without spending money is simply donating your time. You can volunteer in a number of ways: organize a food drive for the hungry, spend time caring for the elderly, or volunteer in a charity store. Even something as simple as going over to an older or vulnerable neighbor’s house and raking the leaves or mowing the lawn is a generous use of your time so think outside the box at ways to affect those around you. Seeing the effects of your work will drive you on to do more.

Donate Your Hair

Something that certainly takes bravery on your part but will make a world of difference to someone going through chemotherapy or suffering from alopecia or other hair loss conditions. You need at least eight to ten inches of hair to make a donation, depending on the source you are donating to, but it will go a long way to helping a person suffering from anxiety and self-confidence issues. You can double down on this one and raise money for your hair donation too.

Wrapping Up

So, these are the 4 Things You Can Do To Support Charities Instead Of Donations. Sometimes donating cash can feel a little impersonal. You’re not sure what the money is going to be used for or who will benefit from it. By using one of these methods you are providing physical gifts to people in need of them right now. You don’t need to worry about overspending either as many donations can be made without spending a dime.

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