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7 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solar Panel Service

7 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Solar Panel Service

The United States continues to adopt residential solar panels, with some 2 million homes boasting them. That number is expected to double by the year 2023.

Since you’re reading this post, chances are, you’re considering adopting solar as well. We can’t validate that decision enough given the wonderful environmental and financial benefits letting the sun power your life can provide.

As you dig deeper into solar grants Ireland and solar panel installation, you’ll need to research which solar panel service will provide you with the quality of products and care you expect.

Finding someone that ticks those boxes can be tricky. Our team aims to make things easier by giving you some business filtration tips. Keep reading to start down the path towards finding the perfect solar partner!

1. Pick a Solar Company That Has a Great Reputation

Reputation matters across all businesses. Solar companies are no exception.

To deduce the quality of the solar company you’re considering, we recommend heading to review sites like Google or Yelp to see their past customer reviews.

If the solar company you’re engaging doesn’t have any reviews, that’s a red flag. If they have several bad reviews, that’s also a red flag.

Optimally, we like to see solar operations have at least ten reviews, 20% of which should be from the last 4 months, and an overall rating of 4-stars or higher.

2. Years in Business

How long a company has been operational isn’t a sure-fire way to deduce the quality of their services. It’s certainly a factor worth considering, though.

The longer a solar panel service has been working, the more streamlined their processes will be given their experience. You can also assume that their services are good enough to have kept them in business for years, which increases your odds of being happy with their work.

We’re not suggesting discrediting new solar panel operations. Just be aware that working with the new business on the block is more of a dice roll than working with organizations that have deeper roots.

3. Value Provided

Price pertaining to solar panels comes to down how much a company will charge you for panels and for the labor required to install those panels.

While it may be tempting to price hunt for the lowest cost on solar products and labor, we advise that you not enter the market with that mindset. Low-cost panels and labor almost always coincide with low-quality products and labor.

Given that fact, we recommend trying to find a solar panel service that offers the best value. That entails finding a provider that has a stunning reputation, gives you a good vibe, and among similarly impressive companies, has competitive pricing.

4. Where Panels Are Sourced

Do you care where your panels are sourced from?

Most panels will be imports that do little to bolster your community’s economy. There is a growing trend though of panel services sourcing products domestically and at great prices.

We always advocate that an informed consumer is a happy one. If your money is filtering down to is of consequence to you, never be shy about investigating solar supply chains.

5. The Quality of Provided Panels

While all solar panels lower energy bills, some do so better than others. The quality of your solar panel’s build will directly affect its ability to convert sunlight into energy.

How well the solar panel you’re being sold will be able to manage the energy capture, and the conversion process will be something you’ll have to investigate.

Ask your solar service about the brand of panels that they use on people’s homes. Then, research to see how well those panels stack up against other brands.

If you’re not impressed by what you find, ask your provider if they can source a different panel for you. If they can’t, find a provider that can.

6. Sold vs. Leased Technology

Our team recommends buying your solar panels. Buying solar allows you to retain all of the upsides of your investment instead of being locked into agreements that limit how much money you can put in your pocket. Leased panels may also restrict your ability to sell excess energy back to your city, which can be a huge revenue driver for your household.

On a positive leasing note, when you lease, you’ll spend less money up-front.

Solar installers usually have a combination of buying and leasing options. Look into both methodologies to see where you find the most value.

7. Product and Labor Warranties

The last thing you want is to invest in the benefits of solar energy only to find that those benefits disappear a few months post-installation due to bad panels or sloppy installs. The best way to avoid that fate is to make sure you’re covered by a warranty.

Standard warranties on products and labor should last at least a year. Any installer that’s not willing to guarantee their work is not an installer that’s worth working with.

Connecting With the Right Solar Panel Service Makes All the Difference

We’ve heard horror stories of people leaping into solar only to have to deal with huge headaches related to installation and product efficacy. Connecting with the right solar panel service allows you to sidestep that drama.

We hope our tips on filtering through providers help you pick the perfect partner in clean energy.

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