Most people with normal skin assume that they have got perfect skin, which does not require much care. But this is not true! Each type of skin requires unique care in itself. The best way to take care of your skin begins with choosing the right kind of skin-care products and follow a good skin-care routine. You should check with the experts at Aesthetic Clinic in Kuala Lumpur to know the best products and skin routne that you should follow according to your skin type.
Follow a three-step Skincare Routine- CTM (Cleansing –Toning –Moisturizing)
No matter what type of skin you have. Basic regimen remains the same i.e. Cleansing –Toning –Moisturize.
Start your day with Cleansing your face with a gentle cleanser. Towel dry your face and apply a Face Toner and then Moisturize your skin, before you wear makeup and start your day on. This is a standard skincare routine to follow, but what matters most is choosing the right products for your skin type. Check out the comparison between Natural vs Synthetic Skincare products
What Else do you need?
An Anti-aging Eye Gel
No one can deny aging. But we can certainly ensure that the signs of aging are delayed. Wrinkles under the eyes and on the top lip are quite prominent. By applying a good quality eye gel regularly can reduce the appearance of the fine lines.
Vitamin C Serum or Cream
Being rich in antioxidants, Vitamin C is can neutralize free radicals and boost the natural skin regeneration process. Including Vitamin C based cream can prevent and restore damage caused to the skin due to pollution or sun radiations. Vitamin C also helps in lighting the marks on the skin. However, if you have severe skin issues, mdl scientific can up your skin care game.
What’s in your skin care kit?
Having normal skin doesn’t mean you won’t have even minor skin problem. Assess your skin problem and choose the products accordingly. You must consider creating an appropriate skincare routine.
For example: having a Skin brightening mark in your Skin-care kit for normal skin, can help you get a complexion boost while making your skin brighter.
I happen to buy a Skin Care Kit by OFRA Cosmetics. Inside the kit, there is everything that I need for my everyday needs for my skin. Right from a gentle cleanser to toner, Vitamin C cream, peel off and brightening mask.

Bottom Line
Even when your skin type is normal, you still need to follow the basic skincare routine to keep your skin the way it is for as long as possible. Getting older, effects from growing sun damage from excessive sun exposure or environmental damage can show up over the period of time and take a clang. If you want you to keep your skin healthy, energized, vibrant, it better to start taking care of it, as early as you can.

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