A resume is our most faithful companion to find work. It is the element that defines us professionally. A concept that uses aptitudes, attitudes, talents and academic and work experiences. This document is indispensable, because it is the first impression that the owner of the work will have towards us, as before we actually face a job interview, we usually send our resume online to different sources of work.
Many of us do not hesitate in telling what we know and do, what we are good at and what we are not so good at. We always know what we are capable of and what we have learned during academic and work time. Then we know it, and we feel sure of it. However, this is not enough! since to demonstrate this at least you have to get an opportunity from the contractor. This opportunity is achieved through a good resume, and of course, an excellent interview. For this reason, making a resume that stands is so essential, before showing our skills, something should define them in the best possible way.
Here are a few tips on How to Write a Resume that Stands Out?
So that your document of work presented is not rejected and stands out among others in a brilliant and sincere way.
1. Structure of the Resume
If the structure of the resume is not done in an orderly way and without the corresponding data; you will not be taken into account for a good job.
The first thing we have to do is render our contact details. This includes: e-mail, landline, mobile phone, and if you share serious and professional content, your social network accounts.
Another important element is the presentable photo. Photo should not be so large, and as we should know, it has to be carnet type, preferably 4×4 cm, dressed in a formal way, with a shirt, tie and a smile nice. For example, if you are looking for teaching job, make sure to dress up like a professional teacher for your photo shoot. By the way, if you looking for a teaching job, don’t forget to visit i-teachers. They are the Highest Rated Education Recruitment Company in the UK.
2. Work Experience
The second step is to write down what our work experiences have been, which a very important part is. Because it is perhaps the area of your resume that most interests the employer, as the employer seeks experience so as to have the least possible concern for teaching.
Start with describing what your job position was, and then the responsibility that came with that position. You have to be careful with the congruence between these two elements, since, we cannot put fictitious responsibility, these must be in accordance with the position in which we work.
3. Academics
After work experiences, we follow our academic achievements, for which we recommend using a descending order, that is, from top to bottom, so you can start with your university degree, then the high school and finally the primary. Recall that the employer will not take much time to read your resume, so you must hook it with the first words of each section of the text. It should be noted that it is necessary to reflect the date of completion and approval of the academic degrees, since this information is indispensable.
4. Additional education and skill development
Mention the specific knowledge that you have obtained through different theoretical or practical courses. They are complementary knowledge, which will help you to show all your facets, without leaving any out.
Let us also look at some of the Do’s and Don’t’s of a strong resume.
- Do not use a technical language: Yes, sometimes we think that showing a very technical language will give the impression of intelligence and professionalism. However, this only shows a somewhat arrogant spirit, and remember that it is easy to perceive when words are fancy and when they have been written naturally. So, have a learned language, but with common words, in many cases, you can use euphemisms, since we cannot fall into phrases or rough words.
- Do not copy pre-assembled content: When you copy content already made, this is noticed in your document, and you will easily lose one of the most important impressions, which is originality and creativity.
- Do not overdo it: We cannot write fictitious skills; such as knowing how to speak some other language, being specialists in some computer programs and so on. This is because they are lies that can be easily collapsed, and if this happens, your credibility and trust you will see it ruined.
- Spelling mistakes: Many resumes are rejected for poor spelling or writing. So watch your accents, commas, the meaning of words, capitals, the points and so on.
To make a resume remarkable and impressive:
- Use short and forceful sentences: Go to the point! Do not take time from the employer. The important thing is that he reads in a brief and concise way your achievements and ability. If you’re going to say that you worked two years in a trading company as a manager, just say that, do not hesitate with too many words.
- Attach a cover letter: This letter, which should be brief, is an ideal mechanism for highlighting, since very few people use it. When you send it in virtual form, attach a letter containing a cordial greeting and a small description of yourself.
- Mark a specific goal: We often do general job goals. This makes us look desperate to get a job. Do not make the effort to make personalized resumes, one for each job, which shows your confidence and your interest in the job.
- Be sincere: Do not seek to decorate your resume with false experiences or false knowledge. Because, over time this could be discovered, and you will raise higher expectations. If you do not respond to these, there will be a small air of disappointment at your engagement. Remember, if you start to build on false bases, later the construction will fall, there is no doubt about it.
Wrapping Up on Resume Writing Tips
Now that you know How to Write a Resume that Stands Out? What to do and what not to do; you can do it yourself and send it to the jobs you want to get. Do not forget to be concise and present everything clearly and forcefully.
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