When starting your own small business, it is a good idea to try and work from home initially. You may have dreams of working in a big office and being the boss of many, but in order to keep start-up costs down, it is a good idea to hold off renting an office until after your business can easily afford to.
You may find that actually, after a while, you prefer to work from your home office, and the thoughts of having to commute to and fro to the office seem quite alien. Indeed, with the way of the world, you will not necessarily have to have all your employees under the same roof, and you could be working from your own home office and meeting virtually via the web.
Having an idea of the size

It is a good idea to think about what sort of space your small business will take up in your home and whereabouts you are going to be able to run it from.
If you feel that a small area is all you will need or that you may want to work while out and about, then a compact laptop may be the way forward. There are deals available at the moment from well-known companies such as Lenovo.com, which may be worth you having a look at. It is very beneficial when you are starting your business to make sure that you have the best quality technology available to your business, but it is a good idea to make a note of all the specifications you will require so that you do not get side-tracked with your choice.
Many small businesses can be run from the kitchen table. However, if that kitchen table is used for meals throughout the day, that is a lot of clearing away of the work equipment and a lot of wasted time.
Some small businesses, however, do need a bit more space. If, for instance, you are running an eBay business, you are going to be looking at not only somewhere to set up your computer or laptop, but also an area of your home to use as a photo booth and for storage of items waiting to be listed or sold, and somewhere to pack the items up for shipping as well as storage for all the shipping materials you are going to need in order for the items to reach their destination in prime condition.
Feeling comfortable in your space

Once you have located the correct space for your small business within your home, the next step is to make sure that it is an area that you are going to want to spend time in. Picking a dark, cold and unwelcoming area of your home is probably not going to make you want to spend any time there, and you will find that procrastination sets in.
Make sure that you have plenty of light and ventilation as well as electrical points for your equipment and that all the furniture you need will fit easily while still giving you plenty of room to move around, and if you are going to be based under a stairwell or in a loft area, make sure there is enough headroom.
If you are planning to start your small business from home, here are some valuable ideas and resources.

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