Mindful Living Motivation Personal Growth The Happy Zone

60 Random Acts of Kindness That Will Keep You Uplifted

60 Random Acts of Kindness That Will Keep You Uplifted

Kindness is a great virtue and our little deeds of kindness have an immense power to lighten up someone’s day or life. So, always try to practice the good in you. 

Love and kindness have no boundaries and bring people from all walks of life together. No matter how young or old we are, we can show our love for one another. No matter if they are our blood relations or our neighbors or strangers. But helping them and sharing some enjoyable moments with them make this life much easier and help to release depression.

Random acts of kindness
Image by lauraelatimer0 from Pixabay

Here are 60 Random Acts of Kindness That Will Keep You Uplifted and you can follow in your daily life : 

  1. Never speak harshly with others because if one can’t do any good for others, then he should refrain from speaking badly.
  2. Be polite and gentle with your subordinate
  3. If you have enough money, then try to buy some extra food and clothes for the needy and poor.
  4. On a random day, visit any orphan house and bring smiles on the faces of children
  5. Visit old age homes and spend some time with elderly people
  6. Appreciate your loved ones when they do something for you with an overwhelming compliment
  7. On a road if you see any hurdle i.e. a fallen stone then remove that from there
  8. Help people in crossing the roads if someone is hesitating
  9. Always try to give a generous tip to waiters and watchmen.
  10. On a hot sunny day, display a water cooler outside your home and also put some water in a small jar so that birds can drink as well
  11. Donate money and blood to the genuine non-funding organizations
  12. Leave notes of praise and encouragement in the stranger’s books
  13. If you know someone’s weakness or any secret which embarrass them then never disclose that
  14. Welcome your new colleague at your workplace, warm-heartedly
  15. If you visit any relatives, then try to take some fruits with you there.
  16. Vacant your seat on a bus for the elderly or anyone.
  17. If you see litter on the road or street, then throw it in the dustbin
  18. Participate as a volunteer in community services
  19. Donate books to the local libraries
  20. Try to keep an extra pen for the examination hall
  21. Bring a treat to share at work.
  22. Give compliments generously.
  23. Offer water to the children out playing.
  24. Get together with neighbors for a cookout.
  25. Ask “how can I help” when you see your neighbors are struggling.
  26. Share your skills and talents.
  27. Be positive and not have a bad attitude
  28. Lend a helping hand, whatever it may be.
  29. Give away potted plants or tulip bulbs to your neighbors to make them feel friendly.
  30. Gift flowers and get well soon cards to random patients
  31. Make a habit of saying Thank you
  32. Point out the positives in a friend or family
  33. Hold the door for people behind
  34. Appreciate your mother or guardian
  35. Help with the tuition fees of the needy
  36. Hug your friend for a minute
  37. Help with carrying stuff to the car
  38. Read to the elderly
  39. Buy a little extra for the homeless
  40. Make dinner for your neighbors
  41. If your wardrobe is jam-packed with clothes and shoes, then give them to the needy
  42. Greet the strangers with the smile
  43. Keep a spare umbrella in your car for someone stuck in the rain
  44. Visit a retirement home and spend time with residents
  45. Send an appreciation message to a friend and let them know how much you cherish them
  46. Write a gratitude note to a teacher or anyone who made a difference in your life or has helped you
  47. Pick up a piece of litter or stone from the street and throw it away
  48. Give compliments. People like compliments. One simple yet silly compliment can make their whole day brighter
  49. Call your parents or your spouse just to say I love you
  50. Write a post-it note with inspiring, uplifting messages or simply any nice thing and hand them out to people you pass
  51. Write a nice, motivating note and put it in your child’s lunch box or book
  52. Give someone your place on a crowded bus or subway
  53. Buy a meal for someone penurious
  54. Help someone struggling to carry their grocery bags
  55. Be nice to servers
  56. Be nice to your neighbors and offer them any assistance
  57. Volunteer at an animal shelter
  58. Help a friend who is struggling with studies
  59. Pay for the meal or coffee of the person next to you anonymously
  60. Give food to stray dogs and cats

Wrapping Up on Random Acts of Kindness

The small acts of kindness are countless. Be a kind human being because you have no idea how any small act or even a small word of kindness can bring peace to someone’s restless heart.

Kindness is a gift that keeps on giving. You can add a few of these kindness acts into your routine, and you’ll witness the change for yourself. Every small exchange with someone is a chance to have a positive influence on both of your lives. The list of these random acts is never-ending; there’s no limit to the ideas when it comes to being kind. You can never go wrong when it comes to being kind; the world will never have too much kindness.

Random acts of kindness

Featured Image: Baby photo created by senivpetro – www.freepik.com

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  • Reply
    Flawless World
    October 3, 2022 at 7:28 pm

    Love, love, love these! Thanks for sharing!

  • Reply
    October 3, 2022 at 9:04 pm

    Great post!

  • Reply
    Kevin Foodie
    October 3, 2022 at 9:18 pm

    These are some easy pratical ways to show acts of kindness. I often leave a tip and a nice comment on the receipt when I visit a restaurant.

  • Reply
    Jenna | Heavenly Spiced
    October 3, 2022 at 9:44 pm

    These are such simple yet powerful random acts of kindness. It’s really not difficult to be kind and make people feel happy and special. Thank you so much for sharing this list!

  • Reply
    Jimmy Clare | CrazyFitnessGuy
    October 4, 2022 at 1:02 am

    what great ideas and easy to do as well

  • Reply
    Amelia L
    October 4, 2022 at 3:24 am

    What a fantastic list, definitely not the usual acts of kindness I see, valuable and practical, something we can do each day. I particularly like the one: leaving kind notes for people.

  • Reply
    Eva Petruzziello
    October 5, 2022 at 3:38 pm

    These are so thoughtful!

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