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Wedding planning

6 Best Types Of Wedding Venues

6 Best Types Of Wedding Venues

As part of planning your wedding, you have to decide where the celebrations will be held. Depending on the number of people invited, consider the size, the style, and the location to find the perfect fit. Discussed below are…

Having Your Wedding at Blake Hall - Essex

Having Your Wedding at Blake Hall – Essex

White Dress Films have been creating beautiful wedding films for our clients for well over 15 years now. But, in all that time we never get tired of visiting some of the most stunning wedding venues across the UK.…

How To Plan A Fabulous Wedding Catering?

How To Plan A Fabulous Wedding Catering?

When you are thinking on How To Plan A Fabulous Wedding Catering, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? What is that one thing that every guest at a wedding has their eyes on? Needless to…