Mindful Living Self Improvement

Thoughts of a Chattering Mind

Thoughts From a Chattering Mind

The past few weeks have turned life upside down (Thanks to the Pandemic). We might have come to a better understanding of relations, with ourselves & others. Some of us would have adapted as well to the new normal. Some of us would be expecting life to go “back” to normal. But do we realize that “that normal” is what has brought us here in first place? Should we not take a lesson, and not repeat the mindless exploitation of Mother Nature in want of growth & development?

Even though we have found new ways to keep ourselves busy, there’s still a lot happening out there. In the absence of physical human interaction, behavioral change in people is happening. The warmth that was displayed with a hug, a gentle touch, a kind look, or holding space for someone without uttering a word ~ is converted to video calling. Playing around physically is replaced by playing online games. Passively watching Netflix has taken over hanging out with besties.
Also, we have discovered several fun things to do at home during lockdown. But, Is that sufficient? Are the vibes sent out to your family, friends, colleagues, business associates carry the same trust & comfort?

And why should you care about the vibes you send out? I will quote Maya Angelou here, “I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

How to make our vibes better? Share your thoughts & we will put together a program to raise the vibrations, available to all the members for FREE!

Featured Image by Prettysleepy from Pixabay

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