Workshops and Events

Yogic Suksma Vyayama Intensive Program – February 10-22, 2019

ogic Suksma Vyayama Intensive Program

Yoga maintains that a healthy body is essential for mental & spiritual development. According to science, there’s an astral body besides the physical body, and the entire set of Yogic exercises, the Asanas & Pranayama, give full control over both – the essential requirement for Spiritual development.
When: February, 2019

What: YSV Intensive program to include Yogic Suksma Vyayam ,Yogic Sthula Vyayama, Nabhi Chakra, Sat-karma & Bhava-suddhi

Where: Studio #1, New Delhi, India

Investment: USD 2200, inclusive of 3-meals. Accommodation can be arranged at nominal charges.

“You would be provided Training Certificate”

Our promise is to provide you with the highest quality of traditional Hatha Yoga, to achieve immense benefit & highest degree of effectiveness.

SUPER EARLY BIRD take 20% OFF by November 30, 2018!
EARLY BIRD take 10% OFF by December 14, 2018!

A non-refundable deposit of $300 is required to secure your place. Balance is not due till 40 days before the program.

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