Social Media has become an integral part of our lives in the last few years. Our personality doesn’t define us anymore, it is our social media which makes us prominent in this world. It is our social media feeds which define us more, the sad reality is that’s what we prefer. We prefer to know someone over social media rather than knowing them in person.
Now our lives revolve around the number of likes, comments, and shares on social media posts. We have forgotten to take appreciation in real life. We long for acceptance more on social media than real life. In fact, we are more concerned about our body image on social media than the real world.
In its inception, social media was harmless fun, however, with time, it has become our lives now. We have forgotten about life outside social media.
If you have ever felt that you’re being too much into your social media, now is the time to detox from social media. However, if you aren’t sure here are:
7 Signs That You Need Social Media Detoxification
1. You’re Anxious When Not Scrolling
Are there times in your day when you’re not online but you wish you were? Do you constantly wonder if you are missing out on something, or hope that your friends aren’t doing any fun without you? This constant worry, fear, the anxiety of not being on social media can be one of the signs that you need a break.
Rather you should be worrying about missing things in real life. Separation from social media would help you to realize that the world has a lot more to offer than mere likes and battling trolls.
2. Pictures You View Affect Your Mood

There are times when you begin to feel bad or even jealous while looking at others’ photographs on social media. When you constantly compare your lifestyle with others and feel like falling short, it might be the time to unplug. You need to take out time to remember how good your own life is.
3. You Never Put Your Phone Down
Does it happen with you that your phone is always in your hand or nearby even when you’re supposed to be working or having a real-life conversation? If you feel like you’re obsessed with social media, it might be the time to put your phone down now. It is your duty to ensure that your online social media life does not overshadow your real life.
4. You Post More than You Live
When you’re living in the moment, do you constantly feel the need to post those photos almost immediately on social media? Or are you always thinking about what to post, when to post and how to post even when you are in the middle of an important task? If you live a particular moment only to post on social media, it is high time that you enjoy real-life things and keeps the phone aside.
5. You Check Social Media Unconsciously
When you’re bored, do you often end up scrolling the news feed ensuring that you haven’t missed anything? If you ever go on checking your social media accounts only to go against boredom, then you might be in a problem, my friend. When you’re bored, you must be finding something meaningful to do rather than spending all your time on social media.
6. Social Media Interferes With Your Productivity

There are times when you end up being online when you’re supposed to be doing something important. Do your work targets suffer because you spent all your time scrolling when you were actually supposed to be working? When your work begins to suffer because of social media, then it is high time for you to take a step back from social media.
7. You’re Beginning to Disengage From Your Real Life
Are there times when you ignore your friends so that you can be by yourself scrolling the news feed? It is okay to do so once in a while, but if you are choosing social media over real people every time, it might be a problem for you. There are times when you say no to your friends only because you’re afraid that you might miss something online. When these things happen to you, it might be the time to take a break.
Closing Words on Social Media Detoxification
These are just 7 Signs that you need Social Media Detoxification. Social Media detoxification may sound complicated but it isn’t, it is as easy as going off social media. You can detox anywhere between a day and 100 days, it’s entirely your choice.
No matter the reason you engage in social media, it is you have to check with yourself constantly. You need to remind yourself every day that you’re more than a social media page. You are a worthy, valuable, and an incredible human being who does not require social media validation.
Believe in yourself. You are the best!
Featured Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

October 6, 2020 at 3:53 pmNice one Jais, it is amazing how rampant social media has become. After deactivating most of my facebook account, I feel I am still hooked on to my instagram account. Sometimes when I look at the reports of amount of time spent browsing I kick myself thinking that this very time could be used to do much more productive work
Joe @ Mini Riches
October 7, 2020 at 8:59 amSocial media has it’s time and place for sure! I don’t feel it’s always bad for pictures one may see to affect their mood to some degree. I just saw a picture on FB of a 5 year old big sister helping her 4 year old little brother in the bathroom as he was getting sick from his chemotherapy treatments. Seeing that picture definitely grounded me a bit. We have a 4 year old son, and I can’t even begin to imagine. My problems just got a bit smaller, and seeing that photo just before commenting here helped me remember to count my blessings. Gonna go give all our kids a kiss on the forehead now while they sleep!
October 10, 2020 at 7:34 pmthis is so true.
social media has become an integral part of our lives.
but, I totally agree with Joe that social media has its time and place.
thanks for sharing this awesome post.