Everyone can develop intuition. Together with sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, intuition is inherent in every person. It is often called the sixth sense. However, not everyone knows how to hear and recognize your inner voice. Like other hidden abilities inherent in a man, intuition must be awakened and developed. It must be trained and maintained.
In order to understand how to develop intuition, one must first clearly understand how it works.
Surely, you know what consciousness and subconscious are. Consciousness is part of the mind that we think is capable of reproducing reality in thinking. We can observe the work of consciousness, see how thoughts form in the head. The subconscious is also a field of unclear, not fully realized thoughts, feelings, notions. Here is an understanding of life in general, about different life situations, about yourself and people. All this is beyond our consciousness, that is, hidden from observation and understanding. Our subconscious mind is like a vault in which everything that happened in our life is located, everything that we have ever heard, seen and felt.
According to scientists, human consciousness is able to perceive 15 pieces of information per second, while the subconscious mind is up to a billion. It catches everything that is not expressed in words that is in the air. That is, the subconscious contains all the knowledge necessary to make the right decisions. It gives us unexpected answers to questions of concern to us, offers non-standard solutions to problems, and it happens like a flash, irradiation. So, intuition is our channel of communication with the subconscious, a tool for getting answers to any of your questions, our unconscious experience.
How to develop intuition

1. The first rule of development of intuition is the belief in it, the belief in its existence. It is impossible to use the source of information denying its existence. It’s like visualizing desires, working only for those who believe in it.
2. To fully develop intuition, and skillfully use it, can only a person whose self-confidence is at the proper level. Low self-esteem does not allow believing in the possibility of making the right decision, growing doubt over doubt. A person who does not trust himself does not listen to his feelings (intuition).
3. To receive an answer, to the question that interests you, you should ask the question first. Turn the question inside yourself, into the depths of your soul.
4. The question should be clearly stated and set in a form that assumes a one-syllable answer – “yes” or “no”. The clearest answers the intuition gives through an affirmative form, not through an interrogative form. For example, instead of the question “Do I need to conclude this deal?” Or “Should I marry person?”, it is better to say “I need to conclude this deal” or “I should marry this person”. On the contradiction, a clear and understandable answer-sensation will be given to you. With the development of intuition, the form of the question is one of the most important moments. The statement cuts off the logic and reflections that may be involved in the process of finding the answer.
5. Intuitive sensations, which are not the answer to the question and come by themselves, should not be ignored. Intuition, like the subconscious mind, works constantly, therefore, circumstances that we can not foresee, give rise to anticipatory intuitive sensations. In addition, the more attention we pay to our feelings, the sooner a moment when we do not need to ask questions will come.
6. Methods of development of intuition suggest questions that have real meaning, the answers to which really excite you. Intuitions are alien to such questions as “Should I watch TV or read a newspaper?”.
7. Start with small, do not tackle global issues right away. Let the question be significant, but not global and not meaningless.
8. An important moment in the development of intuition is the ability to hear it. The answers of intuition received by a person can be different:

This can be the sound that we hear, just as we hear the speech spoken to ourselves.
It can be tactile sensations that can be expressed in the form of tingling, or rapid heartbeats, you can be thrown into a fever or you can feel chills. It often happens that tactile intuitive answers are precisely tied to the left and right sides of the body: any sensations on the left side mean the answer is “no”, but in the right “yes.”
Sensual intuitive sensations are accompanied by a change in mood. If there is a feeling of joy, a rise in mood – the answer is “yes”, and on the contrary, if your mood falls – the answer is “no.” In the same way, a person may experience a feeling of anxiety (“no”) and calmness (“yes”).
The answer of intuition can be obtained in the form of an image that will come to you as soon as you close your eyes. Both the individual form of the answer and the visual intuitive response are individual. Very rarely, but still there is a kind of intuitive response, expressed in various smells and flavors.
When a person has weakly expressed intuitive sensations, the answers can come from outside. External sources can serve: media (television, radio, newspapers), books, conversations … they are often called “signs”. After the question has been asked, the answer comes in an understandable form.
9. Thus the effectiveness of intuition was the maximum, it is necessary to work with your feelings. When asking a question, do not expect an answer in a specific intuitive form, just feel your sensations.
10. The secluded situation at the first stages of development of intuition will help to accurately understand your feelings (in the future, the bustle of the world around you will not become a hindrance to getting timely answers of intuition). Take a comfortable pose, take care of the silence and that no one distracts you, close your eyes, relax and ask a truly exciting question, listen to yourself and wait for the answer. Not always answers come at once, do not fall in despair. Learn how to get acquainted with your intuition.
11. At a time when you are waiting for an answer from your intuition, do not include logic, do not weigh all the pros and cons. Simply monitor the sensations.
12. It happens that intuitive answers do not coincide with reality, in such a case analyze the situation, maybe the logic managed to interfere with your decision or prevent doubts. Failure is an excellent tool for developing intuition and honing the skill of intuitive thinking.
13. Always execute decisions that come through intuition, otherwise faith and the need for intuitive responses are lost.
In the end, it is necessary to warn everyone from blind trust only to their feelings. You should equally use both intuition and logic with its common sense. Intuition should not be the ultimate truth. It is important to understand in which situation it is worth giving preference to logical thinking and making decisions based on it, and when you should rely on intuition. For example, if we have complete information about a subject or situation, everything is clear to us, intuition and the ability to foresee are not necessary. It’s another matter when we do not know all the data, when we are not sure what choice to make, or when we want to know how our endings end, we can resort to intuition.

About the author: Check for more posts written by Melisa Marzett on big paper online writer.com. She is a very talented writer, who knows everything about writing inspiring posts.
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