All of us as some point of time feel overwhelmed. We don’t need to put extra effort to experience that. We are pre-designed to drift into the feel of overwhelm as soon as we are caught up with so many things “not happening” as we want them to happen. Overwhelm is a kind of emotional paralysis which one experiences when we lose control over things around us. In fact at times, overwhelm can result from simply having too many options in hand.
Here is a quick list of the things that I do in such a situation.
1. Do not blame yourself
First of all, stop blaming yourself for being unable to handle a situation and hold yourself responsible for all your sufferings. Know that no one is perfect and we all make mistakes we are not perfect. All yourself to make mistakes once. After all, our own mistakes are our greatest teachers and this is how we grow. We forgive others for their carelessness and mistakes— it’s time to start extending the same courtesy for ourselves.
2. Take short breaks
Feeling overwhelmed, makes us feel drained of both physical and mental energy. In such a situation, I prefer to take a short break. Play with your pet, watch my favorite movie or Television show, call a friend, go out on a bicycle ride or maybe you can try out something that you enjoy most such as music, play an instrument, cooking, a cup of hot cappuccino, munching your favorite cookies and there are many more. The whole idea is to make yourself better by doing what you love.
You may even try to meditate if you like. Put yourself in a state of mind where you can focus on peace and relaxation.
3. Write it Down
Simply start with writing down the floating thoughts which are bothering you. In a while, you can feel the relief from the stress, and then you can gradually move your focus to make a list of the things or tasks which are leading you stress, chunk them down to small tasks. This will eventually help you to manage thoughts and get rid of the confused and overwhelming state of mind.
4. Focus on the right things
Now that you have de-cluttered your mind by writing down your thoughts, prioritize. There is quite a famous quote by Phoebe Snow “Sometimes when you’re overwhelmed by a situation – when you’re in the darkest of darkness – that’s when your priorities are reordered.” Focus on setting priorities for your tasks. Without having a clear picture of priorities, we usually have very little sense of direction and we end up focusing on small things instead of things which hold more importance in life. By ignoring the most important things, we, ourselves jump into a situation that leads us to overwhelm.
5. Stop being a perfectionist
This is the worst thing that we do to ourselves. Expecting and extra-stretching our capacities to prove ourselves to be 100% perfect. You must have heard often from your parents, teachers and seniors to put in 100% of your effort to what you do. But actually we end up in Expecting 100% from us. As soon as we have a task in hand, we start visualizing its perfect picture, which putting in our best effort and keeping a room for better things to come in. this is where the overwhelm is born. Perfection is nothing but a standard set by us in our minds. Chasing perfection forces us to spend much more time then is required to get things done.
“You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.” – Timber Hawkeye
So, next time you start feeling overwhelmed? Try these quick ways to overcome and get back on Track
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Rajni Kaur
September 27, 2017 at 4:37 pmUseful Article. makes my day 🙂
September 27, 2017 at 6:46 pmThanks Rajni. Please keep reading and sharing your feedback 🙂
September 2, 2019 at 8:36 pmThis is the best thing I have read all day. I am definitely going through some overwhelm at the moment. But guess what? There’s nothing I can do about the situation. I just have to ride out the storm and wait patiently for things to quiet down.
Thanks so much for the reminder.
September 2, 2019 at 8:38 pmThank you for this. I will save this an refer to this when needed. I feel overwhelmed often and will shut down and get nothing done which makes me more overwhelmed!
Katy LV
September 2, 2019 at 9:08 pmShort breaks are something I’ve implemented recently and make such a huge difference.
September 2, 2019 at 9:21 pmThank you for this! As university is about to start soon, I am completely lost right now as I have a lot of stuff to do! I really need to focus on being less of a perfectionist, also: I will try writing it all down 🙂
September 3, 2019 at 2:29 amYou nailed this post I feel like this all the time. I am overwhelmed with everything that I do.
September 6, 2019 at 7:12 pmYou’ve got some great suggestions here! Feeling overwhelmed can prevent us from taking the steps that we need to in order to achieve our goals. By taking a step back and following this advice we can see that it really is manageable!
September 14, 2019 at 1:29 pmIt’s hard to remember all of this in the heat of the moment when we feel at our lowest, but they are such important points. Such an excellent and important post, thank you for writing and sharing 🙂