When most people think about meditation, the thought that immediately springs to mind is a Yogi sitting cross-legged on the floor in complete silence or chanting a mantra. While this is certainly one form, it is by far only…
Mindful Living
Yoga is known to be of various types – Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Power Yoga, Hot Yoga, Beer Yoga, Aquatic Yoga, Beach Yoga and list goes on as the number of practitioners. The benefits of each type…
World Environment Day – How can we contribute at individual level?
World Environment Day (a.k.a. WED) is celebrated every year on 5th of June. It is the United Nation’s method for encouraging the populace to be aware and take necessary actions for the protection of our environment, as much we…
Patanjali Yogasutra – Eight Limbs- Five Yamas and Satya
Today you grieve for someone; tomorrow there would be another. And then there would be someone to rejoice for. Life goes on like this. Just like Five Yamas, which are unconditioned by Time, Class and Place. How to Practice the 5…
How 10 minutes of Meditation can bring changes into Life?
Life is a constant hustle, which stirs the mind, body, spirit and also our emotions. Work, home, children, school, relationship, money, pets and other factors are beautiful, but sometimes demands much understanding, since it is not easy to handle…
Though I was always fascinated towards being healthy and fit, I was not too fond of doing yoga. But sometime back, just for the sake of winning a challenge given by a friend, I kick-started my yoga practice. I…