Career & Education

Creative vs. Traditional Resume: Which is Right for You?

Creative vs. Traditional Resume:

Resumes do not always have to look so boring. When writing resumes, most applicants prefer to go with traditional fonts and standard black and white colors. However, this is unimaginative not to mention quite dull for both the person reading the resume and the applicant.

When you use your creativity to write a creative resume, you can add some flavor by using interesting graphics and fonts as well as a personal logo. With a creative resume, you can make it an extension of your portfolio and brand in a way that matches your tone and personality. If you want to know whether to pen a creative or traditional resume, here are some tips:

If Your Expertise Calls for It

If you have work in a traditional organization or industry but your role is creative, you can opt for a creative resume. For instance, if you have worked in a school library as an information scientist or media specialist who wants to transition into a visual specialist, you can demonstrate your skills of visual specialization in your resume.

Another great example is if you have worked as a PR specialist in a corporate environment. Although you will apply to a traditional industry, you need to highlight your PR specialist branding skills by using a creative resume. This means that you have a bit of creative license when writing your resume.

If the Industry Calls for It

Creative vs. Traditional Resume: Which is Right for You?

If you are looking for a job in creative industries such as arts, fashion, and design, you can go with a creative resume. Employers in these industries tend to favor creative resumes over the boring traditional ones. In most cases, you are even expected to present your creative resume when you apply for a job in the creative industry.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a position in the finance, banking, or consulting industry, you should stick strictly to the traditional resumes. Moreover, if you are applying to a company that is known for its formal working environment, you should opt for a traditional-style resume. If you are ever in doubt and have nobody to ask, you should always go with a traditional resume.

How much is too much?

If you are going with a creative resume, you should think about the amount of color and style that you need to inject into it. If you have ever seen an over-the-top creative resume, then you know that you should not write yours that way. Your resume is a reflection of your skills, which means that you should not joke around with it.

You can just add a bit of color and a personal logo if you want your creative resume to go a long way.

When You Need a Traditional Resume

Non-creative field positions – if you are applying to accounting or nursing positions, you should continue reading. You need a traditional resume for such job positions because traditional industries do not take creative resumes seriously.

Applicant tracking systems – big companies use Applicant Tracking Systems to manage and sort applications. These systems do not recognize images, meaning that you should stick with a traditional resume.

When to Use a Creative Resume

If the above rules do not apply in your situation, you should opt for a creative resume. However, if you do not hear back from the organization after a week, you should consider sending your traditional resume as well.

The biggest take away from this is that you need to keep both resumes handy in case of anything. Just because you think that one of the resumes looks better does not make it true.

You may also like to read How to Write a Resume that Stands Out?

Creative vs. Traditional Resume: Which is Right for you

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Erika Lancaster
    June 4, 2018 at 8:38 pm

    Thanks for sharing this information! As a creative myself, I always want to transmit my art/design skills through my resume, but sometimes struggle finding the appropriate balance between making something visually pleasing/unique, and structuring the information this formal document requires!

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