Blogging Resources Internet Online Marketing

How to Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts?

how to write seo-optimized blog posts

When I started blogging, I was so excited about monetizing my passion for writing. But in a few months, I realized that it’s not that easy as it appears. I found that writing great posts isn’t enough; your post must reach readers. 

I went through lots of posts online, referred to lots of blogging tools and resources for newbies, started sharing the posts on social media, Quora, Reddit, and many other social platforms but what I received was a handful of people to read my posts. And, after struggling for a few months, I started focusing on making my posts SEO-friendly. 

A well-written, SEO-optimized blog post can help your blog to trend on search engines and attract real readers to your blog.

Here are a few things that I have learned during my blogging journey on

How to write SEO-friendly blog posts?

Before you start writing SEO-Friendly blog post, it’s good to understand the SEO terms and glossary. This will help you to follow the process better.

1. Use Long-tail Keywords

When you have decided, what you want to write about in your blog post. Start with finding the appropriate long-tail keywords. You can make use of the “Keywords Research tools” to find some good medium and low competitive keywords (Google Keyword Planner is my personal favourite Keyword Research Tool). Long-tail keywords have 4-6 words in the phrase for example “Blogging Resources for Newbies”, or “Home-based business ideas for moms”.

2. Use Keywords in the URL of the blog post

When you write a post, WordPress automatically takes the title as the URL of the blog. However, you can manually change it. Try to write a URL that contains your keywords. Often the title of the post may or may not have the keywords. Try to add keywords to the URL so that search engines can easily find your blog post when someone searches for that specific topic.

3. Keywords in the Title of the post

Title plays an important role while writing SEO friendly blog post. If possible try to include the keywords in the Title. Although it is not always possible; For example, I recently wrote a post “Top 4 Women Footwear Trends That’ll Satisfy Street Style As well as Runway Fashion” and the keyword for this post was “Trendy Wedges Online”. So, there is a possibility that your post has much more to offer than keyword-oriented information. At times, you need to go with the topic more than just the keyword.

How to Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts?

4. Write Meta Description

The Meta description is very important to get your blog post indexed in search engines. It’s absolutely imperative and easy too. Write a small description (Up to 160 characters) in the Meta description box, which can be an extract from the post or simply a few words that describe your post. Use your keyword in this description box. Rightly written and keyword-rich Meta description also helps in driving traffic to your blog.

5. Use alt text for Images

Images are part of On-Page SEO. Search engines always look for the images in blog posts to get that blog post indexed in search results. If you use images with alt text, your post is more likely to get indexed on the search engine faster.

6. Spread your keyword all over the post

Spread your keyword in your entire post but do not stuff them i.e. use them only at appropriate places nearly 3-5 times in the blog post. Google does not like it if you inappropriately put them so many times.

7. Use Internal Links in the post

Using relevant internal links in your blog post will help you in SEO for blog post of which you have given an internal link. An internal link refers to the link of a previously published on your own blog.

Bonus Tip

Although a small post of 350+ words can do well too, but Search engines give priority to long content which is easy to read. So write the blog post in such a way that you explain the topic very well in small paragraphs or List based posts. So that readers can enjoy your writing. Ideally, the length of the post should be 800 to 1000 words (you may increase a little of you want but avoid too long posts as well)

How to Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts?

Closing Words on writing Seo Friendly blog posts

You can certainly get some traffic through social platforms but nothing can beat a well-optimized blog post. You get maximum organic traffic through search engines. 

So, if you want to build genuine traffic and credibility to your blog, write keywords rich SEO optimized posts. 

Also Read: How to Choose Name for Your Blog?

How to Write SEO-Friendly Blog Posts?

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  • Reply
    Ming Qian
    July 18, 2020 at 8:11 pm

    My blog is still relatively new and I have been trying to write SEO content too. Hopefully some of these strategies will work for me. Thanks for sharing!

  • Reply
    July 25, 2020 at 9:08 am

    Appreciate you sharing your insight. I’m going to try some of these tips in my next post, thank you!

  • Reply
    August 13, 2022 at 2:35 pm

    Thanks for sharing with us

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