Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny inner sparks of possibilities into flames of achievement” – Golda Meir
We all have it inside us. It’s a beam of light that directs us towards the meaning to our life – a purpose, – creativeness within us and charges us to reach our goals.
In our fast-paced busy lives, where we have lots of social pressures and outer conventional thinking; we often ignore this spark and let it suffocate inside us.
The fears and habits of procrastination also play a significant part of their own. As a result, we stop living the life which we are passionate about.
Instead, ignite your inner spark, convert fears into personal strengths and lead a life of your own choice and passions.
Here are some simple ways to retrieve Your Inner Spark.
– Discover It
In the race of getting excellent scores in exams, admission in the college of high repute and earning to support the family, it might have been so long that you experienced the sparking light of your inner spark inside you. So you better revisit it by spending quality time with yourself and recall those recharging moments when you found yourself on the top of the world. What is t that made you excited and burning bright?
– Let it speak
Listen to what is your spark saying?
What is suffocating it?
Under what situations does it blossoms at its best?
Pay attention to each one of these triggers.
– Find out how you can make room for it in your present situation
This inner spark is worth of your time and attention; so why not to give it some space in your life. This spark gives meaning to your life, makes you feel happy, and gives a direction to your life. Don’t let your greatest enemies Fears and procrastinations overpower this spark. Don’t let that happen!
There are so many things that we everyday do, but don’t want to do. Cut them out! Learn to say NO to what is unimportant or doesn’t serve you anymore. Devote that precious time flourish your spark.
– Let it glow the light in your life
We only live once. No One with give us an extra life to live our dream. All you have is this Present Moment. Give a chance to this spark to make you feel contented and fulfilled. Trust it! It is your own best friend for life. Let it glow and brighten your life. Fill your being with joy and happiness.
“Don’t let anyone dull your Sparkle”

September 17, 2020 at 10:53 amThis was exactly the kibd of motivation i was lacking past few days; im glad i stopped by. And now lets ignite the inner spark
March 4, 2023 at 5:01 pmI can’t say how much I appreciate your words of encouragement. You are an inspiration to me and I hope one day I will be able to help people as you do. Thank you again.