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8 Self-Care Tips for Women to Boost Mental Health

Self-Care Tips for women

Women are under a lot of pressure every day. We juggle work and family, we might also have side hustles, and sometimes we’re the breadwinners *and* the caregivers for our families. It’s no wonder so many of us struggle with mental health issues. The World Health Organization estimates that globally, women are 70% more likely than men to experience a mental health condition.

Some of the most important things in life are not the money you have, the power you hold, or even how much time you spend on your job. The most important thing is how we treat ourselves — and this includes mental health. Self-care can boost your confidence, self-esteem, energy levels, and more.

You’re not just taking care of yourself — you’re making yourself into the best version of yourself. This includes being your best self mentally and physically. When it comes to mental health, self-care is basically like taking medicine therapy for depression or anxiety: if it feels terrible, you need to do something about it.

And if you need more help with managing your mental health, we have a thing called Therapy Cove – Home For Emotions, where we have psychiatrists who can help you out with that.

Boost mental health

Understanding the Basics of Self-Care

The biggest problem with suffering from mental health issues is that you don’t know how to cope. Not only should you learn about self-care, but you should also know the basics of coping with your emotions and how to get better. It is important for people struggling with depression and anxiety to learn what it feels like, so they can understand why they feel the way that they do and how to cope with that feeling.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. There are plenty of things you can do to boost your mental health, starting with this week’s self-care tips.

You may also like to read: 9 Everyday Activities to Boost Mental Health

8 Self-Care Tips for Women to Boost Mental Health

Tip 1: Reset Your Autopilot

High-strung women often live their lives in “go” mode — we’re always moving at top speed and rarely take time for ourselves. This can be exhausting — literally. To practice self-care, literally, turn off “go” and “no” modes by taking a deep breath and finding a comfortable spot. Set an alarm to remind you when it’s time to take a break.

Tip 2: Work Out

Self-Care Tips for Women
Image by 5132824 from Pixabay

Physical Movements do affect our mental well-being. According to the research, exercise can improve mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood (Information source). So, add some time for workouts to your daily routine, even if it’s for a few minutes. If you don’t feel motivated enough for a workout, find out a workout buddy (A human or a furry friend- Both of them keep you in an elevated state of mind). The idea is to shake your ass.

Tip 3: Nourish Your Brain

Think of your brain as a computer. To keep it running smoothly and avoid running out of memory you’ll want to add the right software (food) and clean up the clutter to optimize its performance. The good news is that there are plenty of superfoods that can help nourish your brain- from leafy greens to salmon, and even dark chocolate.

To clean up your mental mess you can try meditation, nature walk, and journaling.

Tip 4: Take a Break

You know that saying “a day off” it’s so true. Taking a break and spending time doing something that you enjoy is crucial to keeping your sanity. You have to find something that you like, or you will end up overtired — which leads you to get stressed and nervous, and depression or anxiety can take over.

Tip 5: Build a daily routine that includes some “Me-Time”

Self care ideas
Image by go_see from Pixabay

Not only is it important to take into consideration what we put in our bodies, but also our bodies’ day and evening routine. Do something for yourself. It can be exercise, relaxation maybe a night out with your friends or family. This time for yourself can help you to unwind and relax, to reenergize for the next day.

You may also like to read: 7 Amazing Ways to Make Most of the “Me Time”

Tip 6: Self-check-ins

By checking in throughout the day it’s easier to see patterns and stay accountable as well as see areas where improvement is needed or strengths that have been found.

Tip 7: Practice Self-compassion

Practices such as mindfulness, journaling, and gratitude are important tools in coping with stressors and negative thoughts.

Journaling daily, or even weekly, help us to unload things that we hold inside of us and gives us a sense of control in our lives. This is especially important for women as we tend to be more expressive and open about our feelings.

Here is how you can effortlessly practice mindfulness every day.

Here is a guide to start Journaling.

Tip 8: Get on a simple routine schedule

Keep your routines simple, so you can go
through them without feeling overwhelmed. And you get enough sleep, eat healthily, and exercise regularly.

What is the importance of Mental Health for Women?

When we talk about the importance of the health of women, mental health is something that needs attention. Mental health is essential for women, especially in the fast-changing world where everyone has to do some hard work to survive. Every person is working hard to achieve his desires and gain something in life.

Studies show that women are more prone to mental illnesses because they are pressured by the environment and society. They are instilled with a sense of inferiority which is not true. On one hand, she has to handle her family and her kids while balancing her career and profession.

Wrapping Up on Self-Care Tips for Women

In our society, many women are inundated with stress, negative thoughts, and feelings. There is a culture of negativity and helplessness that can cause us to be less proactive in caring for ourselves. Self-care skills like mindfulness and journaling help us come back to how we want to live by replacing self-hate with self-love. To achieve this state of wellness, we need proactivity when it comes to taking care of ourselves.

I really hope my wonderful friends reading this post will like these tips and make sure to take care of themselves :).

Self care tips for women

Featured Image: Drink coffee photo created by freepik –

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  • Reply
    August 2, 2024 at 8:43 pm

    I can’t agree more with you, I loooove the tips. I need to work out so badly! I love working out but I’ve been feeling lazy lately! I can’t wait to get started.

  • Reply
    August 2, 2024 at 9:18 pm

    I need to bookmark this to remind myself to take care of MYSELF. I rarely do that.

  • Reply
    August 2, 2024 at 9:58 pm

    I decided to boost my mental health by starting a new routine that included daily walks and mindfulness exercises. Each day, I felt a little more at peace and in tune with my thoughts and emotions. These small changes made a huge difference, helping me handle life’s challenges with a clearer, more positive outlook.

  • Reply
    August 3, 2024 at 7:19 pm

    WOW, I really needed to read this today. I know I need to take some time for me, I’m always worrying about everyone else, and I think it’s time for me to back away and take more care of my mental health.

  • Reply
    August 4, 2024 at 4:07 am

    These are wonderful tips for self-care for women. I love the idea of working out to boost mental health. Whether I’m swimming laps or on the elliptical – I always have a clearer head when I’m finishing my workout.

  • Reply
    August 4, 2024 at 2:54 pm

    I am sure that this post will be very helpful for women who are looking to learn some practical selfcare tips. Understanding the basics of selfcare is key in my opinion.

  • Reply
    August 4, 2024 at 5:35 pm

    Such great tips! Self-care is important to me. I had a journal when I was in high school. I may have to do journaling again.

  • Reply
    Jupiter Hadley
    August 5, 2024 at 12:16 pm

    Having time that I spend on myself for me is so important. It’s been a real game changer for mental health – I still hate exercise.

  • Reply
    August 5, 2024 at 9:43 pm

    These are all excellent tips! As a homeschooling Mother of 4, running multiple businesses, I can attest that everything you’ve said is spot on. I especially love your first tip because this is the hardest one for me. It is honestly extremely difficult at times to “turn off” and take a break, but it is oh so important. Thanks for the reminder!

  • Reply
    August 5, 2024 at 11:08 pm

    Self care is so important. I make sure I workout and take breaks for my mental health.

  • Reply
    August 6, 2024 at 2:32 am

    I love my weekly yoga sessions, they always give me some time to myself after a busy week.

  • Reply
    Amy Mayfield-Beyer
    August 6, 2024 at 8:53 pm

    Great self-care tips! I really need to set aside a little more time for myself. Thanx for the reminder!

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