Life Hacks Self Improvement The Happy Zone

5 Ways to Instantly Lift Up Your Mood?

How to be happy?

I strongly believe “Happiness isn’t ready-made! It comes from our own actions. We need to take action to do the things that make us happy”. Nevertheless, there are times when we feel low.

I love being happier, as I’m sure most people would, so I thought of listing down some of the ways that help me in return to a happier state of mind instantly, these tricks are actually backed up by science too. Here these are:

Practice smiling –  🙂

5 Ways to Instantly Lift Up Your Mood
Smile For No Reason

Smiling can ease pain fast (both physical and mental). It can make us feel better. To bring a smile on your face instantly, watch out for some happy Images on your laptop or your mobile. You can also put some happy images as your wallpaper or take the print out and put them on your work desk or fridge at home. Usually, visuals have the power to change the state of mind. According to studies “Smiling is one way to reduce the distress caused by an upsetting situation”. Even forcing a smile when we don’t feel like smiling, is enough to lift our mood a bit.

Choco Therapy

5 Ways to Instantly Lift Up Your Mood

This is one of my favorite way for overcoming the blues. I call it “choco-meditation”. Choco-Meditation? What’s that? Put a piece of chocolate in your mouth and let it melt in your mouth as slowly as possible. Close your eyes and focus on its melting, umm… I love this feeling. As per science chocolate is already known for lowering down the stress level and when you focus your attention on its melting, you are being mindful about it. That is why I call it “Choco-Meditation”. It works wonders, it won’t even take much of your time. (Caution: Limit yourself to this mediation with only 1-2 slices of chocolate, else you might end up with adding lots of extra calories to your body ;))

Help someone smile

5 Ways to Instantly Lift Up Your Mood
Spread a Smile

Whatever you give, it comes back to you in many-folds. To get your smile back on your face, try to make someone else smile. This isn’t difficult. We do exchange messages over WhatsApp or Messengers. Instead of sending a plain text message, send a happy image to your friends or colleagues. Chances are they return more smiles to you. You can find lots of very cute and refreshing happy Images at If you are fond of sending Good Morning Images to your friends every day, then this site is a great source of lots of interesting images, which can bring smiles to everyone’s face.

Practice Gratitude

Practice Gratitude
Practice Gratitude

This is apparently a simple method, but I’ve personally experienced that it made a huge difference to my attitude. There are lots of ways to practice gratitude, some people like to keep a journal of things they are grateful for, and some people do it mentally, whereas many people share good things of days with their friends or partners. It is effective either ways. When you are down and low, just close your eyes for a few moments and think of 3 best things of your life. This with instantly shift your focus to positive thoughts and you will experience the uplift in your mood.

Sing Along

Sing with your favorite song
Sing Along

This one is fun. Close your room, play your favourite music loud and sing along. If you are a good singer – It’s good; if you are a bad singer- Even BETTER. Your own funny voice will bring instant smile on your face. If you are at your workplace, take a five minutes break, get into your car (if you don’t commute by car, borrow the car keys from a friend) and do this activity in the closed car. I bet you will love it.

5 Ways to Instantly Lift Up Your Mood?

So, how are you feeling now? Feeling inspired to be happy? Please do share your methods of overcoming the blues; I would love to add them to my list.

Stay Happy! Keep Smiling 🙂

Images Credits –

5 Ways to Instantly Lift Up Your Mood?

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  • Reply
    May 29, 2019 at 4:01 pm

    lovely article. I agree with all the tips you have shared here.

  • Reply
    Chelsey Evans
    May 29, 2019 at 10:39 pm

    yess I love the chocolate therapy one. SO true!

    • Reply
      May 30, 2019 at 2:22 pm

      Haha.. Everyone loves this one

  • Reply
    Caitie Probst
    June 3, 2019 at 10:27 pm

    Helping someone else smile is one of my favorite things! Even if I’m not having the best day, I always smile at those I see just in case they need a friendly smile that day.

  • Reply
    pranita deshpande
    October 17, 2020 at 9:35 pm

    Great ways

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