We all know this state: we need to approach the solution of the problem seriously and with full responsibility, but we fulfill it carelessly. How to motivate yourself to work in full force?
Make it simple
For me, there is one way to motivate yourself to do a difficult job — to think of it as easy. I try not to think about how many difficulties I will have to overcome in the process of solving the problem. I believe that when I cope, I will be proud of myself.
The most difficult is not the work itself, but the decision to make this work in good faith and without constant distractions, (all of us are sometimes excellent procrastinators). Do not ascribe yourself the status of a victim; do not think that you need to complete a bunch of impossible super-tasks. Make it simple.
Try to break down the task into its parts – so you can see the main obstacles and think about how to overcome them.
Be able to accept this challenge, succeed, and transform yourself from a novice to a professional. Think of the reward that awaits you: even if you did not get paid for this job, the feeling that you have completed the task in good faith is in itself an excellent reward.

How to Achieve Success?
- Find what you have a passion for and what energizes you.
- Think of a mantra that will motivate you throughout your life (or at least as long as the project lasts, a week or a month).
- Ask for help to your friends, and sometimes it is better to know what a person is capable of and located.
- Write down your goals and aim for them.
- Think about what you want to end up.
- Do not forget to celebrate small victories.
- Remember that everyone needs a break (remember that in addition to work there is still family, entertainment, hobbies and friends).
- Always monitor your progress.
- Remember that often we are afraid not so much of challenging task, as it began.
- Let something remind you of your goals and priorities. It is better if it is something real and visual, for example, colored stickers with motivating appeals or some your reward.
- If possible, involve a friend in the task. Alternatively, find someone who can give you motivating kicks from time to time and encourage you to be responsible.
- Find yourself a fan, a person who will believe in you and your abilities. You cannot fall in his eyes because of the banal laziness and restlessness, right.
- Listen to music, for some it helps to focus on work. True, the choice of tracks will have to be approached wisely, since not every song can contribute to the efficient and purposeful execution of the task.
Take a look at your life in a complicated way
There are many reasons why we cannot motivate ourselves to work hard, and this is not always inherent laziness, indifference or lack of inspiration. It may depend, for example, on the environment or the state of your health.
Take a look at your life in a complicated way.
Think about your health
Do you often get tired? Or have headache? And do you sleep enough? Are you upset and lethargic for no apparent reason? Do you have a chronic illness?
Indeed, it is difficult to do business when your physical or mental state leaves much to be desired.
If you are experiencing physical discomfort, then you should quickly go to a doctor and not think that this “will pass by itself.” Remember that a full sleep (7–9 hours a day) is the key to success. Listen to your body: it can tell you why it is terrible.
Further Reading: Why Sleep Is So Important to Your Health?
Look at what is around you
Not all of us have the opportunity to buy a cool mansion in the most luxurious area of the city, but we can all make even a small room comfortable for living.
Look at your home. Is it clean enough? Does all the necessary equipment work? If you have neighbors, then ask yourself if you are comfortable living next to them? Is there an odor in your home? Is there enough sunlight in it?
Life in constant discomfort causes stress and, of course, the most negative impact on our motivation to do anything. Remember this.
Think of your family and friends
Are you surrounded by cheerful people or people who only do what they whine? What do they say to you: words of encouragement or something that undermines your desire to move?
We all would like to think that we do not need the support of others and we do not require anyone’s approval. However, it is not. We are all social beings, and we somehow need other people. Moreover, it is tough to remain energetic and focused on victory, if most of what others say to you plunge you into depression.
So take a good look at the people next to you. If you feel that they are only undermining your motivation and faith in yourself, then perhaps you should consider spending less time with them.
Think about what you do in life
Do you do what you love? Probably no. The harsh reality is that many people do things for which they do not have a soul.
In childhood, we all want to be heroes, artists, leaders, dancers, baseball players, and rock stars. As we grow up, we begin to realize that not everyone is capable of becoming a rock star or leader. Also, we settle for less by hiding our dreams somewhere in the far corner of the soul.
I know people who work on weekdays and devote nights and weekends to their favorite hobby. Moreover, they are hardworking and happy people who do not suffer from a lack of motivation. I also have friends who have devoted very little time to their beloved work, and then left the main task, because their hobby began to bring much more income.
Pay attention to everything that you do every day, what you spend the lion’s share of your time on. We all have obligations in the form of work and other things, but after you deal with them, what are you doing? Spend your free time, even if you do not have much of it, doing what you love.
Look at yourself
Yes, you can cause your demotivation. Also, if this turns out to be the case, you will have to change. Even if it is difficult, also if you do not want.
Understand that if a person is motivated to complete a task, this does not always mean that she is happy. It says only that, in spite of everything “I don’t want,” it just goes and does it, because it is necessary.
Think of the consequences that will inevitably appear if you do not do something. I know very few people who like to wash dishes and throw out the trash. However, even less often I met people who are not annoyed by the unpleasant smell of garbage and who do not disdain to eat from dirty plates.

About the Author
Melisa Marzett belongs to those people who firmly believe in themselves. She has read a legion of inspiring literature. Currently working for Online Resume Perk Writing Services, she helps everyone through her work and cannot help enjoying it. She holds the keys to her kingdom by the ears.
Linnéa Engelman
January 19, 2019 at 9:29 pmGreat post! I’ll try following some of these suggestions. I have so much I want to do but I need to find a way to get all the things done!
January 21, 2019 at 3:51 pmThanks. hope you feel Motivated to get all your things done 🙂
Geeky Daddy
January 20, 2019 at 1:38 amTrack-ability is huge as well. It is very easy to get discouraged if you can’t visualize how you are getting closer to your goal. I enjoyed reading your article.
January 21, 2019 at 3:50 pmThanks, Geeky Daddy 🙂
January 26, 2019 at 8:29 pmI totally agree with the tips mentioned in this article. I will implement some of them in my life. Thanks for sharing.
January 26, 2019 at 8:37 pmExcellent suggestions especially about keeping it simple. It helps to not get overwhelmed with big projects.
February 2, 2019 at 9:15 pmGreat list of things! I agree that you need to first find your passion. Keep trying new things until you find it. Its the first step to success.
Under Flowery Sky
February 2, 2019 at 9:48 pmThanks for the motivating and excellent advices. It’s so comprehensive.
Nina | Lemons and Luggage
February 2, 2019 at 10:41 pmThese are some great suggestions! Thanks for sharing them with us!
February 3, 2019 at 1:02 amThese are all great tips! No matter how excited you are about your goals, it’s hard to stay motivated all the time. I’ll definitely be trying some of these out!
March 10, 2019 at 10:17 amWonderful list you have put together here. With all that is going on in the world, it can be hard for anyone to feel decent about anything you want to do. Just finding motivation is difficult. Thank you so much for sharing!
March 12, 2019 at 2:17 pmThanks Clara,
I m glad, that you liked it 🙂
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