India is incredible. There is no denying the fact.
But trust me, there are few things which downright sucks in India. And no, I am not going to talk about political or religious issues. There are already serious forums taking care of those.
Today, I want to bring up one of the everlasting funny stories from India. The silly obsession which Indians have for a fair skin. Since like-forever.
Why fair is better?
For starters, I don’t understand why Indians think that if a girl is fair, she is beautiful and good. Since when does skin colour decide the character of a girl? And even if she has a pink complexion, if her features are not good, she is still going to look ugly AF, no matter what skin colour she has. Right?
But the parameters on which Indians judge a girl, is confined to only and only one thing- how fair is her skin. Which is why, you will find the television flooded with advertisements that promote fair skin.
What else do you need in a girl?
Well, if you belong to any other country, but India, you might want your girl to be educated, smart and funny. But in India, a girl just needs to be fair like milk. That’s it. You can even make top funny stories out of matrimonial advertisements and the criteria they put for skin colour.
Some of them, are outrageous and some are unbelievably cheap. And, I am not even kidding.
Then why do foreigners love Indian skin tone?
On the contrary, foreigners kill for the Indian skin tone. They spend thousands of dollars for getting tanned. And frankly, I find it hilarious. The foreigners have fair skin naturally, and they want to look sexier in dusky skin tone, like we Indians have.
And Indians can’t get enough of ‘Gorapan’ in their lives. What a pity. I wish there was a software that allowed people to swap skin colours. Indians would have broken down the server in a matter of hours, if such services began in India. And there is no doubt that it would make several funny stories.
The Bollywood support for fairness creams!
In India, people look up to the stars. No, not the ones in the sky shining brightly, but the ones who are spotted in the paparazzi of Bollywood. After every now and then, a new celerity comes up with a brand endorsement of fairness cream.
And hey, in India there are even advertisements of fairness cream for guys. I mean, hello. Have Indians forgotten the whole description of a guy?
It’s supposed to be- tall, DARK and handsome. Dark people, dark.
God knows why a guy would die for a fair skin. And if you ask me, I prefer dusky or dark guys over the fair ones. No hard feelings though.
The lie that Indians are living. Literally.
I have no idea if Indians (most of them) really believe that fairness creams will work and in a matter of week, as most creams promise, their skin shade will go from 9th tone to 3rd. Like seriously? But with the non-stop sale of fairness creams, god knows what they believe and what they don’t.
On another thought, if this really begins to happen that a black skin becomes fair over fortnight, I bet it will be one of the latest funny stories that ever came out of India.
In Conclusion:
For once, Indians should try and feel proud about it rather than rubbing ‘fair and lovely’ all over their body in hope to get fair. I hope, someday, Indians finally realize the craze for dusky skin which is WORLDWIDE. Someday!

Madhusudan Somani
October 15, 2018 at 8:07 pmThis is the scenario running from many years in India. But I feel that people are now understanding the truth behind the lie of fairness in the actual skin tone. The journey started. Post like yours is making people literate about this thing.
There are several other issues. Although it will take a large time to see a change, we bloggers along with other persons have the power to make this change happen.
October 16, 2018 at 9:45 pmThanks Madhususan,
I completely agree with you
The TrendyFeed
July 24, 2020 at 3:45 pmHi
Really Appericiated your article You are doing so much of efforts of writen an article